Dear Rand Paul, Cyber world has permitted people to spy and steal our lives and hopes and dreams. Computers with cameras and microphones can be hacked. They could have never done this before cyber world. It wouldn't have been possible to raid every persons home and steal every corporate secret and invade peoples minds and steal their life's work before the computer. In my story 'In Satan We Trust' people allow the dark side to enter their world through the computer. peoples minds are invaded by Satan and his workers. Teens in my story are seduced and led to the dark side through computer games and demons over the computer that serve the beast and seek to destroy humanity Satan is communicating through the internet. He is seducing people, buying people and programming people to commit crimes and bring others into his world.( Are people being silenced or perhaps too brain dead and entranced to see the danger and great harm this is doing to society? This sort of evil threatens to destroy all of mankind. It is not natural to be CONTROLLED by technology. Before we know it our brains will be controlled by mega computer and people will be used as human robots. We willingly gave them the control. Just because it is an addiction and luxury doesn't mean it is good if it threatens our health, deadens our senses and makes us less alert and able to function in the real world . In my story people allow the devil to inhabit their soul through the internet because they reveal too much and put their lives on the computer and trust unknown sources. In my story the world is run by demonic figures that are harm people through medicine and various means.. When I became a target I was told to keep replacing computers rather than hard drives. I brought software and various computers but nothing kept the terrorists out. They eventually started coming on my property and breaking into my home to steal stories. I was told when they introduced themselves that nothing created would be mine. I took UCLA extension courses at the time and they even stole my homework from the cyber black board by hacking. I informed my teacher brian herskowitz and the dean at UCLA but none protected me and other students. Later I went to law enforcement agencies and started warning other people and churches. People paid to see their children ripped off. I paid to be ripped off. I had my life stolen through terrorist thieves, spying and home intrusions. None protects us. My story from the blackboard became 'The Godsend'. My first scripts were stolen at the Maui Writers Conference. If you post at publishing sites they steal your work. Not only are they stealing they are now building their own empire and selecting certain people for their group and seeking to destroy and conquer the rest of the world. This is satanic. This is so evil None can convince me this isn't the devil himself I battle. If the military is now given a free pass to invade our lives watch out! People continue to do business on line. I believe cyber crimes are kept hidden. Only one branch of government can now investigate cyber crime. Will you mention senator rand that the police are no longer allowed to investigate cyber crimes and how everything pertaining to cyber world and our lives is controlled by the government? When you build a case against the NSA please use my story to show what a nightmare this is for creators and people who long to build a better world and bring their visions into reality for higher good. These people are turning my visions to evil and creating darkness and destroying the world. I didn't intentionally serve the dark side Sherry L Bretz
! No software will prevent the film companies and skillful computer programmers from stealing my work. They tell me they can alter dates on computers. Any time i try send something to library of congress they hack to prevent the transmission to steal my work. I think the new method of sending material on line is allowing hackers to claim ownership of other peoples work. I urged the library of congress not to do this before they offered this feature. I phoned them before their site was finished and warned them they could be hacked.The library of congress has even opened a new branch in Hollywood. What if all of this is being set up to steal from us? We were forced into cyber world. People who tried to do business independently were told to register material and conduct business on line. It gave satan a window into our lives and our souls. People put all of their secrets and personal data on line. So do corporations around the world. The computers have spying devices. I have spent tons of money trying to protect my work and keep my computers clean but after multiple attacks they went after my body and brain. They Now Want My Brain And Nothing Will Stop Them. THEY WANT CONTROL! None of the specialists ever figured out the elite software they were using until one, Mark Alcock. This is high up I imagine.They stole my life, They can steal the election and steal from every corporation. They direct business away from competitors and block orders. None is thinking outside the box. I have been asking why people aren't being warned? Sherry Lee Bretz (C) In Satan We Trust copyright protected 1998
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