Saturday, July 20, 2013


Excerpt from my book and script ‘In Satan We Trust’ by Sherry Bretz  Европейские кадры показали в редакции глобального уничтожения, который делает Холокост кажется расплывчатым. Темнота заполняет небо в Европе. Буйный убийства происходят вокруг оккультного с человеческими жертвоприношениями и пытки. Половина луны в небе появляются и различные необычной формы моделей, которые не могут быть объяснены. Некоторые из форм сатанинской соответствуют раны на жертвах. Войны и беспорядки вспыхивают в каждой стране.
Банды мародеров и превратить свою ярость на больших городов. Насилие обостряется из-под контроля. Что-то зловещее происходит на планете, которые никто не может объяснить. Древний орден собирает в Ирландии готов дать отпор силам зла. Они ждали этой войны на протяжении веков и готов к тому, конца времени.
Ватикан и иностранные лидеры мира встречаются из разных стран стремятся интерпретировать глобальные явления. Эксперты пытаются интерпретировать странные знаки и объяснить природу каждой проблемы. Окончательные итоги раскрывает происхождение зверя. Миров величайших астрономов, богословов и философов не может объяснить смысл многих странных событий. Религиозные люди встречаются в синагогах и церквях и канала связи укрепляет. Тайные общества выходят в открытую. Многие наблюдатели различных теорий о том, почему мир находится в хаосе.
Темнота заполняет планеты и крики можно услышать со всех сторон. Никто не может отрицать, что что-то нечестивый принимает контроль над планетой. Рядовые граждане с оружием в руках по мере развития сюжета и бороться в войне добра со злом. Многие люди выбирают темную сторону. Христа верные последователи почувствовали конец времени в течение длительного времени. Беспомощные души не понимают, что они под заклинание сатаны. Большая часть общества живет в неверии. Многие люди были ослеплены киноиндустрии, СМИ и другие пропаганды. Корпоративный мир имеет мозги большинства населения и отравленных людей за власть сатаны. Дети были запрограммированы с рождения, чтобы принять зло и игнорировать предупреждающие знаки. (Они учат видеть Бога, как сказка, древние мифы и фантазии, как создание в видеоигре.) Учеников Сатаны обученных людей, чтобы избежать реализма. Они находятся под влиянием зла и кормить свои чувства удовольствия, а не искать глубокий смысл в жизни. Бесчисленные подростки стали дьяволами зомби. видеоигр и кибер загрязнения обучили их к совершению преступлений. Некоторые игроки становятся очарован и даже суицидальные сойти с ума во время игры. Они играют в тайный мир с демоном хищников нет осознания опасности. Сатана соблазняет людей в течение многих лет. Его глобальная армия имеет массовый характер. Он не строил эту армию в одночасье. Правительство вооруженных силах помочь. Армагеддон был в разработке с начала времен. Дьявол пытается получить власть, так как он был исключен из Царства Небесного. Он вечно был побежден Воины Богов. Он хочет детей, потому что они слабы и пожирали их плоть питает его демонического голода. Они находятся ближе всего к Богу. Привлечение людей через фантазию область была главным инструментом дьявола. Она сохранила его присутствие скрыто. Мастерское демонического обмана через развлечение. Он убежден, что мир, который он не существует на протяжении веков. Современная технология дала ему силу и верх, чтобы поработить человечество. Его сила, как укрепить свои силы распространяться по всему миру. Его сила купил политиков, судей, бандитов, и каждый мощных человек на планете. Все во имя денег. Доллар заменили Бога. Он был награждение мировой элиты в течение веков. Тех, кто мечтает стать знаменитым падение аккуратно в свой план. Люди продают своих детей на известность в финальной битве. Люди, лгать, обманывать, воровать и делать все, чтобы у них на пути. Сатана разорвала семейные узы. Люди подчиняются его команде, как запрограммированные роботы, не зная последствий. Сердца и умы потемнело ослеплены связан с дьяволом.
Они не знают, что на самом деле их ждет в вечной темноте. Захватили и восхищался успокаивающее сатаны ложь, которую они не могут противостоять искушению. Он кормит их чувствами и удовольствием разрушает барьеры. Он разрушает их любовь и совесть. Он превращает их против себя и человечества. Он пытается уничтожить рассудок и связь с реальным миром. Он стремится разрушить их связи со Святым Духом, единственная сила, которая отгоняет зло. Будучи столь мощным он с легкостью программ неквалифицированных умы через подсознательные сообщения. Он использует современные технологии для контроля ума и уничтожить Мана небесная фундамента. Он стремится использовать современную науку, чтобы уничтожить Ман свободной воли и связь с божественным путем отделения человека от его выше совести через молитву. Он посещает сны людей, и пробирается в слабой камеры мозга в то время как люди находятся в уязвимом состоянии. Он играет на слабости с большим мастерством, чтобы населять Lost Souls. Он является кукловодом, умный зверь. Интернет является его самым большим источником контроля. Это приводит к падению Мане потому что он держит Люцифера и его демоны скрыты в темноте. Он может посетить большинство любой дом через
Шерри Bretz

27 мая 2010 - 4:54 утра
Re:. Продолжение ....

кибер-мира. Это дает возможность Люцифера обманывать человечество и проникновения в умы отличие когда-либо прежде, сохраняя при этом свою идентичность и план на игру в секрете. Его тайная организация может искать каждый источник света и уничтожить уязвимые добычу. Он посылает своих убийц в каждом районе, чтобы гармонировать и групповое устойчивы воины Христовы, кто сопротивляется его. Cyber ​​миру позволяет демонических сил играть с людьми эмоционально и запутать их и их веб-странных пьес власти. По компьютерному миру люди позволяют нарушителя в свою душу. Сатана хоронит правду и пытается скрыть Библию от всей планеты. Он отмечает, новорожденные в их кроватки в больнице лазареты и стремится испортить всей планеты. Он хочет быть единственным правителем на планете.

(Люцифер легко работает через наркоманов, зависимых личностей и проблемных слабые мыслящих людей. Современная технология используется, чтобы поработить людей с помощью наиболее искаженные умы общества в кино, правительство и корпоративный арене. Ученые выполнять злые эксперименты и использовать медицинскую поле проведение нацистских экспериментов, чтобы попытаться уничтожить богов подключения к человеку создать бездушные рабы, которые не имеют микроэлементы благочестия. Люцифера обученных последователей служить в его злой заговор с целью вызвать конец света. Люди стали испорчены во времени.

простое введение
Шерри Bretz защищенные авторским правом © 2009
Этот проект был начат с моей дорогой матери в 1998 году "Мы близки. Странно то, что я написал о стали реальностью. Я поставил мою веру в Бога. Моя мать научила меня верить в Бога. Моя мать вдохновила меня

Все материалы на данном сайте, является интеллектуальной собственностью хереса L Bretz © © и защищенные авторским правом

Sample of my Screenplay ‘In Satan We Trust’-Age of Destruction 

Вступительная сцена

 Добыча экипаж из Сарасоте Флориде отправляется на бурение в Долине Смерти.
 Как они зарылись глубоко в землю насильственные тремор рок шахты. Землетрясение вызывает мощный взрыв в шахте. Своих заполняет туннель. Двое мужчин сжигаются в шахте при попытке к бегству. (Огонь и разрушения символизирует гнев дьявола.)
 Вулканическая лава извергает через шахту погибли шесть шахтеров беспощадно. Остальные шахтеры находятся в плену в огненном аду могиле.

 В нижней исследователь раскрывает древнюю письменность и что, кажется, голова динозавра.
 При ближайшем рассмотрении он определяет реликвию быть голова дракона. После столетий изоляции от человечества дьяволы катакомбных была распечатана. Камера заполняется костей и ритуальные инструменты знакомства до н.э. Пентаграммы, иероглифы и другие странные объекты украшают могилу ..

 Сцена 2
 Камера, Hover плотины
 Трещин плотины Гувера. Невада видно тряску, тревоги звука. (Камера показывает диспетчерской слева от плотины. Видите воды, просачивающейся через отверстие. Линии электропередачи упасть и производства электроэнергии. Соседние туристов показаны задыхаясь от ужаса, когда они стоят на соседний выступ. Вспышки ламп. Мир брошен в общем состоянии паники.

 Новости Экипаж собирает на шахте. Привлекательная женщина якорь говорит в микрофон. Она объявляет событие в мире. Новости грузовик гласит: Невада Новости.

Четырнадцать шахтеров по-прежнему в ловушке внутри шахты. Наш главный герой (Курт) дает команды из нижней части. Он обращается к своим членом экипажа и репортеров на радиопередатчика.

 --------- Краткое резюме ----
 Землетрясение было вызвано нарушением паранормального.
 Нечестивой присутствие вошел в мир, сверхъестественная сила, которая достигает в наше подсознание и стремится уничтожить всякую душу животных на планете.
 Курт и его команда, неосознанно обнаружили гробницу Люцифера. Место Христос послал Люцифера, когда он был сброшен с небес. Это катастрофическое событие вызвать планетарные дисбаланс. Природа выбрасывается с курса. Люцифер выходит из своего огненного сна в условиях хаоса, огня и разрушения. Он приносит хаос в мире.
 Ни один человек не является безопасным. Армагеддон начался. Каждый человек должен служить или прихода за зло перехода. В течение короткого срока Люцифера на земле, Он захватывает многие души. Он вызывает и разрушение ада и бесчисленные страдания мира. Пророчество выполнено. Это финальная битва человечества. Возраста уничтожения.

 Почему я выбрал Долину Смерти

 Долина Смерти богата полезными ископаемыми, приводят серебра меди. Это рай для рептилий. Дьявол быть змея любит горячий сухой климат. Вулканических гор делают премьер-фон для этой истории.

 многочисленные ядовитые твари живут в пустыне, пауков, змей, скорпионов. Огонь ручей и Дьяволы Crossing были идеальными названия для этой дьявольской истории. Пожар в Каньон видно на многие километры.

 Долина Смерти всегда удивляло человеком на протяжении веков и всегда был запрещен жуткое место.


Курт Ховард-Lead

 Ник Хендерсон-геолог

 Джон Хенли * - владелец шахты Хенли

 Фил Jaggers * Врач-

 Шейн Риггс-приводит боковой удар

 Келли Саммерс * якорь женщин. (Любовный интерес Курта)

 Грех янв Clair-Новости Экипаж

 Пит Дугал-Priest


 Митч Гарнер *-высокий профиль

 Бен Уоллес-эксперт

 Хейли Fay *-жертва


 --- Spooky элементы в историю

 Огонь вспыхивает на реке

 Ад и серу падают с неба странные преступления начинают происходит во всем мире. Пресс-центр получает слишком много ежедневных отчетов в обращении. люди утверждают, мертвые делают свои руки и наблюдать за ними с деревьев. Говорят, они могут видеть презрение в их глазах. Они считают, что они следят демонов. Некоторые говорят, что мощные темные нарушителя который прячется от света наблюдает за ними и пытаться их в наследие. Они считают, что демоны, которые следуют за ними из других измерений. Зло, которое стремится уничтожить их сопротивление и вторгнуться в их умах за хранение их души.

 Зло разрушает многие души во Ман темный час.

 Взрывы происходят по всему миру, слишком много необъяснимых смертей для сотрудников правоохранительных органов в обращении. Люцифер доходы многих новобранцев всей истории, как он поднимается из преисподней. Он стремится завоевать весь мир. Он сводит на цивилизацию с кровожадным мести неизвестного человека. Его нечестивой порядке повинуется каждой команде. Они убивают невинных жертв и бросить вызов сильнейшим Христа последователей.

 Чума распространилась по всему миру. Странные изменения происходят в природе. Люцифер хочет вечное проклятье для всех Богов детей. Он хочет отомстить. К счастью, Бог милостив в этой истории.

 Объяснение для открытия сцены:

 Большинство горных экипажа сгорели заживо во время после Люцифера.
 Норман, Фил, Курт и Пит оставаться скрытыми в пещере ниже.

 Курт получил специальный металл с близкого дяди в детстве, которые помогли защитить его. Он особенный

Undo edits


Is this translation better than the original?

Yes, submit translation

Thank you for your submission.

Vstupitel'naya stsena

  Dobycha ekipazh iz Sarasote Floride otpravlyayetsya na bureniye v Doline Smerti.
  Kak oni zarylis' gluboko v zemlyu nasil'stvennyye tremor rok shakhty. Zemletryaseniye vyzyvayet moshchnyy vzryv v shakhte. Svoikh zapolnyayet tunnel'. Dvoye muzhchin szhigayutsya v shakhte pri popytke k begstvu. (Ogon' i razrusheniya simvoliziruyet gnev d'yavola.)
  Vulkanicheskaya lava izvergayet cherez shakhtu pogibli shest' shakhterov besposhchadno. Ostal'nyye shakhtery nakhodyatsya v plenu v ognennom adu mogile.

  V nizhney issledovatel' raskryvayet drevnyuyu pis'mennost' i chto, kazhetsya, golova dinozavra.
  Pri blizhayshem rassmotrenii on opredelyayet relikviyu byt' golova drakona. Posle stoletiy izolyatsii ot chelovechestva d'yavoly katakombnykh byla raspechatana. Kamera zapolnyayetsya kostey i ritual'nyye instrumenty znakomstva do n.e. Pentagrammy, iyeroglify i drugiye strannyye ob"yekty ukrashayut mogilu ..

  Stsena 2
  Kamera, Hover plotiny
  Treshchin plotiny Guvera. Nevada vidno tryasku, trevogi zvuka. (Kamera pokazyvayet dispetcherskoy sleva ot plotiny. Vidite vody, prosachivayushcheysya cherez otverstiye. Linii elektroperedachi upast' i proizvodstva elektroenergii. Sosedniye turistov pokazany zadykhayas' ot uzhasa, kogda oni stoyat na sosedniy vystup. Vspyshki lamp. Mir broshen v obshchem sostoyanii paniki.

  Novosti Ekipazh sobirayet na shakhte. Privlekatel'naya zhenshchina yakor' govorit v mikrofon. Ona ob"yavlyayet sobytiye v mire. Novosti gruzovik glasit: Nevada Novosti.

Chetyrnadtsat' shakhterov po-prezhnemu v lovushke vnutri shakhty. Nash glavnyy geroy (Kurt) dayet komandy iz nizhney chasti. On obrashchayetsya k svoim chlenom ekipazha i reporterov na radioperedatchika.

  --------- Kratkoye rezyume ----
  Zemletryaseniye bylo vyzvano narusheniyem paranormal'nogo.
  Nechestivoy prisutstviye voshel v mir, sverkh"yestestvennaya sila, kotoraya dostigayet v nashe podsoznaniye i stremitsya unichtozhit' vsyakuyu dushu zhivotnykh na planete.
  Kurt i yego komanda, neosoznanno obnaruzhili grobnitsu Lyutsifera. Mesto Khristos poslal Lyutsifera, kogda on byl sbroshen s nebes. Eto katastroficheskoye sobytiye vyzvat' planetarnyye disbalans. Priroda vybrasyvayetsya s kursa. Lyutsifer vykhodit iz svoyego ognennogo sna v usloviyakh khaosa, ognya i razrusheniya. On prinosit khaos v mire.
  Ni odin chelovek ne yavlyayetsya bezopasnym. Armageddon nachalsya. Kazhdyy chelovek dolzhen sluzhit' ili prikhoda za zlo perekhoda. V techeniye korotkogo sroka Lyutsifera na zemle, On zakhvatyvayet mnogiye dushi. On vyzyvayet i razrusheniye ada i beschislennyye stradaniya mira. Prorochestvo vypolneno. Eto final'naya bitva chelovechestva. Vozrasta unichtozheniya.

  Pochemu ya vybral Dolinu Smerti

  Dolina Smerti bogata poleznymi iskopayemymi, privodyat serebra medi. Eto ray dlya reptiliy. D'yavol byt' zmeya lyubit goryachiy sukhoy klimat. Vulkanicheskikh gor delayut prem'yer-fon dlya etoy istorii.

  mnogochislennyye yadovityye tvari zhivut v pustyne, paukov, zmey, skorpionov. Ogon' ruchey i D'yavoly Crossing byli ideal'nymi nazvaniya dlya etoy d'yavol'skoy istorii. Pozhar v Kan'on vidno na mnogiye kilometry.

  Dolina Smerti vsegda udivlyalo chelovekom na protyazhenii vekov i vsegda byl zapreshchen zhutkoye mesto.


Kurt Khovard-Lead

  Nik Khenderson-geolog

  Dzhon Khenli * - vladelets shakhty Khenli

  Fil Jaggers * Vrach-

  Sheyn Riggs-privodit bokovoy udar

  Kelli Sammers * yakor' zhenshchin. (Lyubovnyy interes Kurta)

  Grekh yanv Clair-Novosti Ekipazh

  Pit Dugal-Priest


  Mitch Garner *-vysokiy profil'

  Ben Uolles-ekspert

  Kheyli Fay *-zhertva


  --- Spooky elementy v istoriyu

  Ogon' vspykhivayet na reke

  Ad i seru padayut s neba strannyye prestupleniya nachinayut proiskhodit vo vsem mire. Press-tsentr poluchayet slishkom mnogo yezhednevnykh otchetov v obrashchenii. lyudi utverzhdayut, mertvyye delayut svoi ruki i nablyudat' za nimi s derev'yev. Govoryat, oni mogut videt' prezreniye v ikh glazakh. Oni schitayut, chto oni sledyat demonov. Nekotoryye govoryat, chto moshchnyye temnyye narushitelya kotoryy pryachetsya ot sveta nablyudayet za nimi i pytat'sya ikh v naslediye. Oni schitayut, chto demony, kotoryye sleduyut za nimi iz drugikh izmereniy. Zlo, kotoroye stremitsya unichtozhit' ikh soprotivleniye i vtorgnut'sya v ikh umakh za khraneniye ikh dushi.

  Zlo razrushayet mnogiye dushi vo Man temnyy chas.

  Vzryvy proiskhodyat po vsemu miru, slishkom mnogo neob"yasnimykh smertey dlya sotrudnikov pravookhranitel'nykh organov v obrashchenii. Lyutsifer dokhody mnogikh novobrantsev vsey istorii, kak on podnimayetsya iz preispodney. On stremitsya zavoyevat' ves' mir. On svodit na tsivilizatsiyu s krovozhadnym mesti neizvestnogo cheloveka. Yego nechestivoy poryadke povinuyetsya kazhdoy komande. Oni ubivayut nevinnykh zhertv i brosit' vyzov sil'neyshim Khrista posledovateley.

  Chuma rasprostranilas' po vsemu miru. Strannyye izmeneniya proiskhodyat v prirode. Lyutsifer khochet vechnoye proklyat'ye dlya vsekh Bogov detey. On khochet otomstit'. K schast'yu, Bog milostiv v etoy istorii.

  Ob"yasneniye dlya otkrytiya stseny:

  Bol'shinstvo gornykh ekipazha sgoreli zazhivo vo vremya posle Lyutsifera.
  Norman, Fil, Kurt i Pit ostavat'sya skrytymi v peshchere nizhe.

  Kurt poluchil spetsial'nyy metall s blizkogo dyadi v detstve, kotoryye pomogli zashchitit' yego. On osobennyy

Copyright protected
Without Truth we will be lost in darkness.

Friday, July 19, 2013

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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Sample of my Story

Opening Scene

A mining crew from Sarasota Florida is sent to drill in Death Valley.
As they dig deep into the earth violent tremors rock the mine. An earthquake causes a massive explosion in the mine. Fire fills the tunnel. Two men are incinerated in the shaft while trying to escape.( Fire and destruction is symbolic of the devils rage.)
Volcanic lava spews through the mine killing six miners mercilessly. The rest of the miners are held captive in hells fiery tomb.

At the bottom an explorer uncovers ancient writing and what appears to be a dinosaur head.
Upon closer inspection he determines the relic to be the head of a dragon. After centuries of isolation from humanity the devils catacomb has been unsealed. The chamber is filled with bones and ritualistic tools dating B.C. Pentagrams, hieroglyphics and other strange objects adorn the tomb..

Scene 2
Camera, Hover Dam
Hoover Dam cracks. Nevada is seen shaking, alarms sound. (camera shows a control tower to the left of the dam. You see water seeping through a hole. Power lines fall and produce electricity. Nearby tourists are shown gasping in horror as they stand on a nearby ledge. Warning lights flash. The world is thrown into a total state of panic.

A news crew gathers at the mine. An attractive anchor woman speaks into a microphone . She is announcing the event to the world. A news truck reads: Nevada News. 
Fourteen miners are still trapped inside the mine. Our lead character(Kurt) is giving commands from the the bottom. He speaks to his crew member’s and news reporters by radio transmitter.

--------- Brief summary----
The earthquake has been caused by a paranormal disturbance.
An unholy presence has entered the world, a supernatural force that reaches into our subconscious mind and seeks to destroy every living soul on the planet.
Kurt and his crew have unknowingly discovered Lucifer's tomb. The place Christ sent Lucifer when he was cast from heaven. This catastrophic event cause a planetary imbalance. Nature is thrown off course. Lucifer emerges from his fiery sleep amid chaos, fire and destruction. He brings mayhem to the world.
No man is safe. The Armageddon has begun. Every man must serve or parish during the evil transition. During Lucifer’s short term on earth he captures many souls. He causes hell and destruction and countless world suffering. The prophecy is fulfilled. This is mankind’s final battle. The age of destruction.

Why I chose Death Valley

Death Valley is rich in minerals, lead silver copper. It is a haven for reptiles. The devil being a serpent likes the hot dry climate. The volcanic mountains make the prime background for this story.

numerous poisonous critters live in the desert, spiders, snakes, scorpions. Fire creek and Devils Crossing were ideal names for this devilish story. Fire in the Canyon can be seen for miles.

Death Valley has mystified man for centuries and always been a forbidden creepy place.

Kurt Howard-Lead

Nick Henderson-geologist

John Henley*- Owner of Henley mine

Phil Jaggers*-Physician

Shane Riggs-the leads side kick

Kelly Summers*-anchor women. (Kurt’s love interest)

Jan Sin Clair- news crew

Pete Dougal- Priest


Mitch Garner*-high profile

Ben Wallace-Expert

Haley Fay*-victim


---Spooky elements in the story

Fire blazes on the river

Hell and brimstone fall from the sky Strange crimes start occurring around the world. The newsroom receives too many daily reports to handle. people claim the dead are taking their hand and watching them from trees. They say they can see the contempt in their eyes. They believe they are being followed by demons. Some say a powerful dark intruder which conceals himself from the light is watching them and trying to possess them. They believe the demons that follow them are from other dimensions. Evil that seeks to destroy their resistance and invade their minds for possession of their soul.

Evil destroys many souls during mans darkest hour.

Explosions occur around the world, Too many unexplained deaths for law enforcement to handle. Lucifer gains many recruits throughout the story as he rises from the netherworld. He seeks to conquer the world. He wreaks havoc on civilization with a blood thirsty vengeance unknown to man. His unholy order obeys his every command. They murder innocent victims and challenge Christ's strongest followers.

Plagues spread around the globe. Weird changes happen in nature. Lucifer wants eternal damnation for all of Gods children. He wants revenge. Luckily God is merciful in this story.

Explanation for opening scene:

The majority of the mining crew is burned alive during Lucifer’s wake.
Norman, Phil, Kurt and Pete stay hidden in a cavern below.

Kurt received a special metal from a close uncle in childhood that helped protect him. He is special 
Re: Re:.continuation....
Scene European footage is shown in the newsroom of global destruction that makes the holocaust seem vague. Darkness fills the sky in Europe. Rampant murders occur centered around the occult with human sacrifice and torture. Half moons appear in the sky and various odd shaped patterns that can’t be explained. Some of the satanic shapes match the wounds on the victims. Wars and riots break out in every country.
Gangs and looters turn their rage on bigger cities. Violence escalates out of control. Something sinister is taking place on the planet that none can explain. An ancient order gathers in Ireland prepared to battle the forces of evil. They have awaited this war for centuries and prepared to see the end of time.
The Vatican and foreign world leaders meet from various countries seeking to interpret the global phenomena. Experts try to interpret the strange signs and explain the nature of every problem . The final outcome reveals the origin of the beast. The worlds greatest astronomers, theologians and philosophers cannot explain the meaning of many strange events. Religious people meet in synagogues and churches and the channel of communication strengthens. Secret societies come out in the open. Many observers have different theories about why the world is in chaos.

Darkness fills the planet and cries can be heard from all directions. None can deny that something unholy is taking control of the planet. Average citizens take up arms as the story unfolds and fight in the war of good against evil. Many people choose the dark side. Christ’s faithful followers have sensed the end of time for a long time. Helpless souls do not realize they are beneath Satan's spell. Most of society lives in disbelief. Many people have been blinded by the motion picture industry, the media and other propaganda. The corporate world has brainwashed the majority of the population and poisoned people for satanic power. Children have been programmed since birth to accept evil and ignore warning signs. (They are taught to see God as a fairytale, an ancient myth and fantasy creation like in a video game. )Satan’s disciples trained people to avoid realism. They are influenced by evil and feed their pleasure senses rather than seek the deeper meaning in life. Countless teens have become the devils zombies. video games and cyber pollution have trained them to commit crimes. Some entranced players become suicidal and even go insane while playing. They are playing in a secret world with demon predators with no awareness of the danger. Satan has been seducing people for years. His global army is massive. He didn’t build this army overnight. The government armed forces assist. The Armageddon has been in the works since the beginning of time. The devil has been trying to gain power since he was expelled from the kingdom of heaven. He has forever been defeated by Gods Warriors. He seeks children because they are weak and devouring their flesh feeds his demonic hunger. They are closest to God. Luring people through the fantasy realm has been the devils greatest tool. It has kept his presence hidden. Masterful demonic deception through entertainment. He has convinced the world he doesn’t exist for centuries. Modern technology gave him the power and the upper hand to enslave mankind. hIs power strengthened as his forces spread globally. His power bought politicians, judges, thugs, and every high powered person on the planet. All in the name of money. The dollar replaced God. He has been rewarding the world’s elite for ages. Those who dream of being famous fall neatly into his plan. People sell their children for notoriety in the final battle. People, lie, cheat, steal and do anything to have their way. Satan has severed family ties. People obey his command like programmed robots without knowing the consequences. Hearts are darkened and minds are blinded bonded to the Devil.

They do not know what truly awaits them in eternal darkness. Captured and enraptured by satan’s soothing lies they can’t resist temptation. He feeds their pleasure senses and breaks down barriers. He destroys their love and conscience. He turns them against themselves and humanity. He tries to destroy their sanity and connection with the real world. He seeks to disrupt their connection with the Holy Spirit, the only power that wards off evil. Being so powerful he easily programs unskilled minds through subliminal messages. He uses modern technology to control the mind and destroy mans heavenly foundation.  He seeks to use modern science to destroy mans free will and connection to the divine by detaching man from his higher conscience through prayer. He visits people's dreams and sneaks into weak chambers of the brain while people are in a vulnerable state. He plays on weakness with great skill to inhabit lost souls. He is a puppet master, the clever beast. The internet is his greatest source of control. It leads to mans downfall because it keeps Lucifer and his demons concealed in darkness. He can visit most any home through

Sherry Bretz
May 27, 2010 - 4:54AM

cyber world. It empowers Lucifer to deceive mankind and infiltrate minds unlike ever before while keeping his identity and game plan a secret. His secret organization can seek out every light source and destroy vulnerable prey. He sends his assassins into every neighborhood to blend in and gang resistant warriors of Christ who resist him. Cyber world allows demonic forces to play with people emotionally and entangle them their web and strange power plays. Through cyber world people let the intruder into their soul. Satan buries the truth and tries to hide the bible from the whole planet. He marks newborns in their cribs in hospital infirmaries and seeks to taint the whole planet. He wants to be the only ruler on the planet.

(Lucifer easily works through drug addicts, dependent personalities and troubled weak minded individuals. Modern technology is used to enslave people with the help of society’s most twisted minds in film, government and the corporate arena. Scientists perform evil experiments and use the medical field to conduct nazi experiments to try and destroy Gods connection to man to create soulless slaves that have no trace elements of Godliness. Lucifer’s trained followers serve in his evil conspiracy to cause doomsday. People became tainted through time. 
a mere introduction
sherry Bretz copyright protected
© 2009
This project was started with my dear Mother in 1998' We are close. Strangely the things I have written about became reality. I have put my faith in God. My mother taught me to believe in God. My mother inspired me 
all material at this site is the intellectual property of sherry L Bretz©© and copyright protected

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I have been warning people for ages about cyber theft and master hackers that controlled cyber world by stealing from people to build their empire but nobody listened. I have been stalked and tortured for warning the churches, universities and law enforcement agencies trying to protect people and inform people of the conspiracy to rob people and destroy the Christians. I did all this to prevent people from being robbed and losing their life's works, hopes and dreams like I did. I tried to warn the world about the famous predators that were luring kids to the dark side through publishing and computer games to build dark armies. I tried to show how they were using cyber world and none listened. I knew the film companies were involved and people were being used for human experiments and mind control research against their will and the Satanists were giving Satan power through voodoo and codes and hidden symbols in their work. They say they alter dates on computers. If you control cyber world you control the world. Sherry L Bretz

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Dear Senator Rand Paul,
Dear Rand Paul, Cyber world has permitted people to spy and steal our lives and hopes and dreams. Computers with cameras and microphones can be hacked. They could have never done this before cyber world. It wouldn't have been possible to raid every persons home and steal every corporate secret and invade peoples minds and steal their life's work before the computer. In my story 'In Satan We Trust' people allow the dark side to enter their world through the computer. peoples minds are invaded by Satan and his workers. Teens in my story are seduced and led to the dark side through computer games and demons over the computer that serve the beast and seek to destroy humanity Satan is communicating through the internet. He is seducing people, buying people and programming people to commit crimes and bring others into his world.( Are people being silenced or perhaps too brain dead and entranced to see the danger and great harm this is doing to society? This sort of evil threatens to destroy all of mankind. It is not natural to be CONTROLLED by technology. Before we know it our brains will be controlled by mega computer and people will be used as human robots. We willingly gave them the control. Just because it is an addiction and luxury doesn't mean it is good if it threatens our health, deadens our senses and makes us less alert and able to function in the real world . In my story people allow the devil to inhabit their soul through the internet because they reveal too much and put their lives on the computer and trust unknown sources. In my story the world is run by demonic figures that are harm people through medicine and various means.. When I became a target I was told to keep replacing computers rather than hard drives. I brought software and various computers but nothing kept the terrorists out. They eventually started coming on my property and breaking into my home to steal stories. I was told when they introduced themselves that nothing created would be mine. I took UCLA extension courses at the time and they even stole my homework from the cyber black board by hacking. I informed my teacher brian herskowitz and the dean at UCLA but none protected me and other students. Later I went to law enforcement agencies and started warning other people and churches. People paid to see their children ripped off. I paid to be ripped off. I had my life stolen through terrorist thieves, spying and home intrusions. None protects us. My story from the blackboard became 'The Godsend'. My first scripts were stolen at the Maui Writers Conference. If you post at publishing sites they steal your work. Not only are they stealing they are now building their own empire and selecting certain people for their group and seeking to destroy and conquer the rest of the world. This is satanic. This is so evil None can convince me this isn't the devil himself I battle. If the military is now given a free pass to invade our lives watch out! People continue to do business on line. I believe cyber crimes are kept hidden. Only one branch of government can now investigate cyber crime. Will you mention senator rand that the police are no longer allowed to investigate cyber crimes and how everything pertaining to cyber world and our lives is controlled by the government? When you build a case against the NSA please use my story to show what a nightmare this is for creators and people who long to build a better world and bring their visions into reality for higher good. These people are turning my visions to evil and creating darkness and destroying the world. I didn't intentionally serve the dark side Sherry L Bretz  
! No software will prevent the film companies and skillful computer programmers from stealing my work. They tell me they can alter dates on computers. Any time i try send something to library of congress they hack to prevent the transmission to steal my work. I think the new method of sending material on line is allowing hackers to claim ownership of other peoples work. I urged the library of congress not to do this before they offered this feature. I phoned them before their site was finished and warned them they could be hacked.The library of congress has even opened a new branch in Hollywood. What if all of this is being set up to steal from us? We were forced into cyber world. People who tried to do business independently were told to register material and conduct business on line. It gave satan a window into our lives and our souls. People put all of their secrets and personal data on line. So do corporations around the world.  The computers have spying devices. I have spent tons of money trying to protect my work and keep my computers clean but after multiple attacks they went after my body and brain. They Now Want My Brain And Nothing Will Stop Them. THEY WANT CONTROL! None of the specialists ever figured out the elite software they were using until one, Mark Alcock. This is high up I imagine.They stole my life, They can steal the election and steal from every corporation. They direct business away from competitors and block orders. None is thinking outside the box. I have been asking why people aren't being warned? Sherry Lee Bretz (C) In Satan We Trust copyright protected 1998

Monday, June 17, 2013

This is all in my story-In Satan We Trust-Age Of Destruction

  1. We are seeing things that have never occured in history! that is because man has power through technology. new demonic power
  2. people talk politics and other craziness and overlook the real truth. Christ is king This is a battle of good against evil.
  3. We've been desensitized to accept evil and overlook bad things in this culture That is supernatural power
  4. Evil disguised as entertainment deceived so many. We have sadly become almost immune to evil. We have become desensitized through the years and hardened Modern technology and Hollywood has helped to bring this about.
  5. We believed the fairytales. Many hollywood movies revealed the truth about what was being done through human experiments and plans for the future!!!! island of dr moreau, stepford wives and many others delved in human experiments to enslave and bring out the dark side in man.
  6. I think man has been used for experiments far longer than he realizes. God said do not eat forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge. 
  7. Satan tricked the world into believing he didn't exist. Now this labyrinth has been built.Try escaping a spider web woven around us. Isn't it almost supernatural the way man has turned on his neighbor and become so greedy and corrupt? Isn't it crazy how people have become so evil and backstabbing?
  8. People are lost and don't realize it, disillusioned, lured through fantasy and pleasure. Satan is the trickster,deceiver
  9. Ours sins brought us here, Sins of the forefathers. Our weakness and our denial of christ pushing him out of our lives made us long for sinful things
  10. we are not victims of aliens. We are victims of evil mind controlling satanists. How else would man fall and be swayed to accept the beast? Good has always triumphed over evil before. That is before now
  11. Until now man has always had a free will to choose good over evil.Satan is trying to conquer the mind to destroy free will. I believe he wants to control the whole human race
  12. They don't want mere robots they want total possession. That is satan. The weapons hack our brains. I know
  13. They are using these weapons on me to test and subude. I think it's because I figured the future out. modernization has weakened man and technology has given the beast total power to possess us invading our brains. Mind control
  14. Evil My theory is Satans been building his empire since the beginning. it took man this long to deteriorate. sold his soul
  15. was appolo suppsed to dedicate the moon to Pan?
  16. was the houlocaust an experiment in human enslavement?Why do people still support companies that assised in the houlocaust?
  17. Ibm helped hitler during the houlcost? ibm is helping to build weapons and also inventing human microchips
  18. Pan is also called the cyber network. avatar is a demon. Are the latest codes and symbols being used to somehow gain power spread evil globally?
  19. they trying to destroy good and replace it with evil and To taint all that is holy and destroy sacred things? pan is satan
  20. I am harrassed daily. They try to unleash the dark side. toture is daily repetitive, aggressive psychotic bunch wants evil over good. I just pray much harder
  21. Untracable weapons that affect the mind and body. Satanists infiltrate dreams, capture brain frequenciesto unleash dark side
  22. We connect to god through our mind and heart. They are deadening our receptors through brain research. I'm a victim DEMONIC.
  23. I wrote this stuff and it's coming true. total possession is their goal, to seperate us from the divine new mind weapons,
  24. Too many people are blind to the mind control experiments new age weapons, hidden evil, beyond imaging

  25. Devil likes chaos. there can be no promising future built on murder and deception and lies. Love and light with God
  26. they are creating hell on earth

  27. Both rich and poor get their minds hacked. Any mind is up for grabs

  28. Someone has been given a free pass to enslave the people. The terrorists are here. mind invasion!
  29. I am a human experiment that is being tortured daily and and my phones are bugged and I am constantly monitored wherever I go
  30. This group has no respect for humanity or Gods holy laws. We seen the destruction of ancient treasures,holy shrines and sacred things seeking to replacing good with evil and rewriting bible
  31. They record phone conversations and play them back two me They experiment.These observers must think America is a laboratory of mice.
  32. Some of their weapons are like something from star trek, star wars. The energy weapons. They can also invade your mind like a computer.
  33. I don't believe hitler had this technology. This so much worse than what Hitler did. I
  34. real truth never comes out, only half truth, diversions, lies to deceive while the devils labyrinth is built.
  35. When you have no regard for human life the world becomes a battleground.The lunatics in power can't feed the belly of beast. None can serve two masters There is only one God

  36. Today Satan is building his empire. My new book is called, 'In Satan We Trust' Age of Destruction.

  37. the system is designed to steal for corporate and enslave. New technology isn't being used to catch criminals by satellite
  38. ou lose professionalism with corruption. The conquerors' become the conquered eventually. technology will enslave the fools. The internet is being used like a tool to enslave.
  39. We are led into cyber world. Whoever controlls cyber world controlled the world and

  40. Corporate has been receiving personal data. I'd imagine They have a data base on each of us to enslave.We've reached the age of destruction
  41. They have been hacking and preying on us: They've been stealing our lives. Now they invade our brains with technology. They tell me they are psychic vampires

  42. copyright(c) 1995 Sherry Lee Mcdowell